See the future of corporate risk before it happens

The Problem: Growing Cost of Corporate Collapses

Protecting capital from both profits warnings and significant events through advance knowledge of AI pattern detection.

Companies attempt to navigate stress privately, hoping for resolution before public disclosure. This period of knowing without telling, leaves linguistic footprints that Veroscope detects.

  • $3 trillion lost in collapses since 2000.

  • Traditional due diligence fails to detect early warning signs.

  • By the time problems are public, it's too late.

  • Advance warning allows for exit route planning and restructuring opportunities.

The Solution: AI-Driven Early Warnings

Proprietary pattern recognition identifies warning signs 2–18 months in advance of general market knowledge while liquidity is still available.

Every corporate collapse tells its story twice. First in subtle changes of the forensic linguistics as the insiders know whats coming. Then months later when the market sees the inalienable truth too.

  • AI Linguistic Analysis: Detect deception, lies, fraud and denial in company communications.

  • Operational Validation: Ensure claims are physically possible.

  • Market Reality Check: Compare numbers with market data.

  • Historical Pattern Matching: Analyse companies against a library of known collapses.

The economies of the world are undergoing the AI transformation, resulting in many companies being unable to successfully transition in time.

Veroscope measures the stress and distress as these companies feel the effects of increased competition.

  • Corporate collapses and profit warnings are increasing in frequency.

  • Faster market cycles mean less time to react.

  • Advanced analysis is critical to staying ahead of market knowledge while there is still liquidity.

  • Protect capital from contagion effects with leverage and any available instruments.

Veroscope:Pattern Recognition Redefined.

Watch Veroscope in Action.

Beyond traditional analysis and even beyond what was thought possible, Veroscope combines three powerful AI Analytical engines to detect what others miss. Discover how Veroscope’s AI combines forensic linguistics, operational validation, and mathematical verification to deliver critical early warnings—giving you advance knowledge in time to protect your capital.

Combined with Veroscope pattern libraries that match deceit, fraud, obstruction, misdirection, and deliberate veiling of the truth, Veroscope matches the patterns of past collapse and profits warnings, with current patterns being displayed.

It has been discovered that the common and uniform linguistics and patterns of 1925, are exactly the same human behaviour patterns and forensic linguistics of 2025. Truth it appears, has a pattern.

The Veroscope Vision

Preventing the Preventable

  • Corporate collapses and profit warnings that Veroscope sees months before they appear in traditional metrics and quarterly announcements.

  • Accounts show you what the company wishes you to see. Yet the deception, fear, stress, and veiled truth, are hidden inside forensic linguistics.

  • Through sophisticated pattern recognition, Veroscope detects these critical signals of distress, when early intervention can still preserve value.

  • Veroscope believes in protecting employment, infrastructure, and society’s fabric, rather than leveraging advanced knowledge for profit.

  • Shareholders and professionals alerted to Veroscopes warnings, have time to plan value preservation, restructuring or repositioning before the capital loss occurs.

  • Those that are failing to adapt are at the first stages of the extinction sequence with three patterns. 1. Embrace then adapt. 2. Resist then panic. 3. Deny then Die.

Veroscope AI is transforming how institutional value is protected during the AI Transformational revolution.

We serve those professionals tasked with protection

  • Investment funds and family offices

  • Forensic accountants and investigators

  • Due diligence professionals

  • Risk specialists and advisors

  • Venture Capital General Partners.

  • Private Equity Principles.

  • Traders with significant counterparty risk.

  • Sovereign Wealth Funds.

  • Fraud Teams.

  • Executive Search.

  • CEO’s

  • Finance Directors.

  • Financial regulators.

Ask for a demonstration of Veroscope AI or for an example analysis.

Alistair Lee. CEO: Forensic Statement Analyst.

“Veroscope have a world class team of AI engineers and a great CTO creating our vision, with class leading computer science and machine learning expertise, Veroscope is your early adopter AI advantage.

Veroscope is live and is connected to most available Large Language Models, including real-time internet access and live market data feed.

Available for client onboarding today, using Veroscope is remarkably simple, as all the LLM’s are pre-configured for you with the API keys correctly installed. No technical skills are required. A fully done-for-you service.

We provide you with working out of the box, fully configured Open AI GPT o3, Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Deep-Seek, Perplexity, Googles Gemini and Mistral with Veroscope 2.1 on your desktop or phone and all your AI work on all LLM models kept in a clean user interface for better organisation.

Like a Google search interface, you enter into Veroscope a company name and receive immediate AI forensic pattern analysis, and because Veroscope is connected to the internet with live markets data, over 30 LLMs have the full historical and current corporate picture. Subsequently, the analysis is ground-breaking because Veroscope is seeing ahead of other metrics, sometimes months ahead.”

“You have created a credible and useful AI, congratualtions.” Chief Economist, Major Bank.

“Veroscope analysis is unique, it gives me insight I can not find elsewhere.” Ex Head of Market Making.

“It looks like you’ve achieved something special at Veroscope, the analysis is both profound and unique.” Founder of Bank.